Ceremony: Traditional Structure of a Wedding

The 4 elements of a Wedding Ceremony (or Marriage Celebration):
As long as you have these 4 , you have a wedding
  1. everybody (the couple, officiant, and witnesses) congregates,
  2. the wedding couple make vows to each other and engage in a symbolic gesture of commitment,
  3. the officiant recognizes and pronounces the couple as married,
  4. everybody celebrates this change in their lives and status,
  5. everybody leaves
Ceremony: Traditional Structure of a Wedding

The order of these elements can change. The elements themselves can change.
  1. Procession …
  2. Greeting…“Welcome ….”
  3. Wedding Message…
  4. Vows
  5. Exchange of Rings…(or other symbolic exchange)
  6. Pronouncement
  7. Kiss, embrace
  8. Recessional & Introduction of the couple as married
  9. Announcement of reception or other events to follow Any and all of this can change.

Personalizing Your Ceremony
Consider additions to the ceremony to make it more meaningful to you both or your families, such as…
  1. Meaningful poetry read by the couple, family members or friends
  2. A blessing or prayer offered by a family member or friend
  3. Musical interlude by family members, friends, or others (Are there singers or other musicians in your family or wedding party?)
  4. A symbolic event or gesture, such as a Unity Candle, Sand Pouring, or Hand-Fasting ceremony.
  5. A “Giving away of the bride” by one or both of her parents which would usually come after the Greeting.
  6. A public blessing or vow of support which includes the guests in the ceremony and encourages their participation.

Most Important
Most importantly, the ceremony should be meaningful and respectful to you and to all you invite.

"To do, to do!" - Legalities

Before "I do": The Marriage License Where: Getting married in Utah, you need a Utah marriage license. You can get them at County Clerk offices. Most are valid throughout the state. See below for offices. What you will need: • I.D. for proof of identification and age • Parental consent (if you are under 18. See county website for more information.) • $50.00 license fee by cash, check, money order, MasterCard or Visa When: Marriage license must be used within 30 days. No refunds or extensions will be given. Unused licenses are still the property of the state and must be returned. Who: Both people must appear in person at the office. See these websites for locations. Salt Lake County Weber County Utah County Davis County Summit County After “I do”: Name Changes You will receive your certified copy/copies of the Marriage Certificate shortly after the wedding officiant has mailed in the signed completed certificate. You will then need to contact the Social Security and Department of Public Safety offices. You may also need to provide copies of your Marriage Certificate to your bank, employer, Post Office, insurance company, etc। If you have a passport you will need to update it. You will also need to update your voter registration. More links with Utah info: For more information on US marriage laws, please visit: http://www.usmarriagelaws.com/ For more information on marriage in Utah visit: http://www.utcourts.gov/howto/marriage/ For more information on marriage in Salt Lake County: http://www.clerk.slco.org/marriage/

"Five Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage From Good to Great."

Here are some tips on having a more relaxed marriage:

  • Set realistic expectations. Acknowledge that there are just some things that you will not like about your partner all the time.
  • Focus on the positive. Make a list of 10 characteristics you actually adore—or at least tolerate—in your spouse. "When you turn your concentration to what is going well, it motivates you to keep going in that direction."
  • Discuss the behavior, not your spouse's personality. This allows your partner to change. And be careful to use the word "I" and not "you." (It is helpful to say: "I get upset when you leave your underwear on the bathroom floor." It's not beneficial to say, "You are a slob," even if it's true.)
  • Find the right time and place to discuss an annoying habit. Right after work or as your spouse is drifting off to sleep is not it. You might want to send your partner an email during the day asking to discuss a certain behavior later.
  • Be prepared to compromise. Didn't your mother ever teach you that you can be right or you can be happy? Choose happy.
  • If all else fails, go to bed mad. When you are tired you become irrational. You'll probably have more perspective in the morning.
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