Involving Your Guests

One way to make your ceremony even more special not only for your guests, but for YOU, is to include some features that involve them a little (or a lot) more.

1. They offer a wish, a blessing, as they touch something. They can even through something. Rice has been the tradition. But then the tradition changed, and we found out that birds would eat the rice and get sick, and then we started throwing bird seed.
Or confetti.
Or petals.
And many venues changed their policy... many changed it to, "No, you cannot throw anything."
But there are alternative to that:
paper airplanes (perhaps)
And if you're in a natural setting, you can use what's around. A wishing stone tossed into a creek.
A flask of water poured on a desert plant.

2. Include the guests in the vows. Make vows to the guests. Or have the guests offer their vows to you. If there are many guests, more than an intimate wedding that could have a "go around", the officiant could ask the guests, "Do you vow....?" Another option would be to have the guests write vows on a paper and put in a jar.

3. Include the guests via representation in a ceremonial element. For example, a hand fasting ceremony could include strands of symbolic material chosen by groups of the guests. The friends of the groom have chose.... to represent.... The family of the bride has chosen....

4. A sing-along, or a read-along.

for more ideas see...

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